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In keeping with the U.S. Lighthouse Society’s mission of sharing the rich maritime legacy of American lighthouses we have created these histories of the beacons that protected / still protect the mariners of the Chesapeake Bay region.

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Maryland Virginia Delaware Lightships Replicas
M A R Y L A N D      L I G H T H O U S E S        * = on the Lighthouse Digest Doomsday List
Existing Lighthouses “Crossed The Bar”
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V I R G I N I A      L I G H T H O U S E S        * = on the Lighthouse Digest Doomsday List
Existing Lighthouses 
“Crossed The Bar”
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D E L A W A R E      L I G H T H O U S E S
Existing Lighthouses “Crossed The Bar”
    These three lighthouses are the only ones in Delaware considered to be in the Chesapeake Chapter’s “core geographic area”; there are many others located in Delaware and Delaware Bay.
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    Lightship Museums Lightship Stations
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