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40+3 Club

40plus3patch-thAre you a member of the 40 + 3 Club?  You can be!!!

Back in 1997 the Board of Directors decided to designate all the lighthouses and lightships in Maryland and Virginia along with the ones in the lower portion of Delaware as our Chapter’s primary interest. At the time, there were 40 lighthouses and 3 lightships in this area. In 2014 the Board added four lighthouse replicas to the list.  In 2020 additional optional lights were added and the rules modified to have only 36 mandatory lights to earn the patch.

You must be a Chapter member, see ALL mandatory lights, plus any four of the optional (*) lights for a total of 40. You must see all three lightships. The total must be equal to 40 lighthouses including all mandatory lights, plus the three lightships in order to receive the patch. Have you seen them all? If you have and you are a member of the Chapter, you are a member of the 40 + 3 club!.

When you send us the information, we’ll add you to the list of ‘Club Members’.  Each member of the 40+3 club will receive one of these patches to honor their achievement. Your name will be published in the newsletter and we are hoping to give some further recognition later. Any ideas???

Contact: Membership Chair, email: Download the full list and instructions. Lighthouse Passport Program

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