If you are interested in helping to preserve lighthouses in the Chesapeake Bay, you can join the Chesapeake Chapter’s volunteer corp. Each year preservation projects and work days are scheduled at various lighthouses or lightships. These projects come in many forms. Some are Chapter run and organized, others are done in coordination with the caretakers of the lighthouses. The schedules are posted and volunteers are notified of the dates by the project coordinators. The hours that you volunteer are recorded. If you participate in three activities and more than one project in a year, you receive a volunteer patch. If over time you accrue 100 hours of volunteer activities you get a 100 hour volunteer patch. If you reach the ranks of the truly awesome, you receive pins for 200 hours, 300 hours, 400 hours and 500 hours. And yes – we have volunteers who have put in that many hours. See photos from previous workdays below.
- Preservation 200 volunteer hours pin.
- Preservation 300 volunteer hours pin.
- Preservation 400 volunteer hours pin.
- Preservation 500 volunteer hours pin.
Contact: Preservation Committee Chair, email: preservation@cheslights.org
- 2024 Preservation Work Day Schedule
- 2023 Preservation Schedule
- 2023 Preservation Grant: Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse.
- 2022 Preservation Grant: Historic Ships In Baltimore for the Lightship Chesapeake.
- 2021 Preservation Schedule