Workday: Thomas Point July 12, 21, and 22, 2017

Cathy & Captain Howard work on new cupola railing

Photo by Tony Pasek
Cathy & Captain Howard work on new cupola railing

As summer continues hot and humid our intrepid band of volunteers continues to toil away at one of our favorite National Treasures. Volunteers made three trips in July to keep our beacon looking good.


On July 12th six volunteers went out on the hot, humid, hazy day to work on the light. They continued work on the railings on the lantern room deck and there is now only one side left! Work also continued on the closet in the equipment room that now sports some new shelves. While those were being installed others were being painted in preparation for installation. The makeover of the equipment room walls is now completed as the last of the siding was hammered in place. Now all that is left there is a bit of calking and then to finish the priming and painting. Congratulations to the siding crew! Then of course there’s the eh, ceiling….. (They plan to do that later this year.)






Virginia primes shelves for equipment room closet

Photo by Tony PasekVirginia primes shelves for equipment room closet

Dick continues work on closet.

Photo by Tony Pasek
Dick continues work on closet.

Hard-working crew of July 12 - Hobie, Virginia and Dick

Photo by Tony Pasek
Hard-working crew of July 12 – Hobie, Virginia and Dick

Dick working on shelves for closet.

Photo by Hobie Statzer
Dick working on shelves for closet.

Returning to the mainland aboard the Audacious. Left to Right - Craig Swift or Damon Campbell, Bryan See, Mat Daw, Craig Swift or Damon Campbell, Michael Zajac, Lauren Schmitz and Daniella Blyakhman.

Photo by Tony Pasek
Returning to the mainland aboard the Audacious. Left to Right – Craig Swiftl, Bryan See, Mat Daw, Damon Campbell, Michael Zajac, Lauren Schmitz and Daniella Blyakhman.

On July 21st, a volunteer crew from Keast & Hood Structural Engineers who were making their annual visit joined a couple of the Chapter volunteers. It was another hot and humid day (That seems to be the theme for this summer). The crew got a lot done on the 97 degree day. Despite the warm & sticky conditions, Mat Daw and his hard-working crew tackled the tasks with skill and perseverance. A special tip of the “Keeper’s Hat” for a job well done. Many thanks, Guys and Gals!.

The caulking mention above was done and then the newly installed siding in equipment room, hallway and closet was painted with white primer. Portions of equipment room doorframe were painted and wood filler added to nail holes in closet. The first floor deck was cleaned, sanded and a coat of special gray paint (with sand) was applied. The lantern room floor in the cupola also received a coat of grey paint.



Daniella Blyakhman paints new siding in the equipment room

Photo by Tony Pasek
Daniella Blyakhman paints new siding in the equipment room

Lauren Schmitz - paints the equipment room hall way siding.

Photo by Tony Pasek
Lauren Schmitz – paints the equipment room hall way siding.

Michael Zajac primes a new equipment room wall

Photo by Tony Pasek
Michael Zajac primes a new equipment room wall

Craig Swift painting the deck.

Photo by Hobie Statzer
Craig Swift painting the deck.

Damon Campbell painting deck.

Photo by Hobie Statzer
Damon Campbell painting deck.

Mat Daw sands the first floor decking in preparation for paint application

Photo by Tony Pasek Mat Daw sands the first floor decking in preparation for paint application

July 22, 2017

On July 22nd painting was completed on the main deck boards installed by Capt Howard and Cathy Lewis last year. Now it is all fully painted with two coats of the Pettit topcoat paint which from past “experiments” has proven to be quite durable. We’ll see how it stands up to tourist traffic this season. Volunteers also applied a second coat of primer to inside sections of the new lantern gallery railing system.  The outside still needs to be given a second coat if your interested and don’t want to miss all the fun. The volunteers also sanded and primed the door casings on the two interior doors in the sitting room, which are ready for finish coats.

The next workday is on August 12th – so if you’d like to join the fun (and maybe give that outside section a second coat of primer) and are a Chapter member – let us know.


Steve Blakely (July 22)
Virginia Crespo (July 12)
Rich Kuhlman (July 22)
Cathy Lewis (July 12
Howard Lewis (July 12, 21, 22)
Dick Moale (July12)
Tony Pasek (July 12, 21)
Hobie Statzer (July 12, 21)
Helen Yurevitch (July 22)


Keast & Hood Volunteers –
Crew Chief – Mat Daw (11th workday)
Michael Zajac (11th workday)
Craig Swift (6th workday
Coming for the first time –
Daniella Blyakhman
Damon Campbell
Bryan See
Lauren Schmitz


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