Category: Workdays: Historic Ships in Baltimore

Workday: Historic Ships In Baltimore – September 7, 2024

Lightship Chesapeake

The lightship Chesapeake received a little TLC from Chapter and Museum volunteers  on September 7th. There were five volunteers total – three Chapter and two additional volunteers and based on the report provided they accomplished quite a bit. As you probably know, maintenance is a never-ending task on any maritime structure and this is true …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore – May 8, 2023

National Historic Landmark - Lightship Chesapeake

  It was a pleasant day to be out and about in Maryland this past Saturday so it was a nice day for the Chapter volunteers who showed up for the first preservation work day of 2023 on the Lightship Chesapeake in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. The ship is in need of some TLC and that …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore – November 5, 2022

National Historic Landmark - Lightship Chesapeake

Four volunteers showed up on a bright clear November day to do a little work on the Lightship Chesapeake. This was the largest work crew from the Chapter to work on the National Historic Landmark up in Baltimore since the Pandemic slowed things down. It will be a surprise to no one that it involved …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore – May 11, 2019

Lightship Chesapeake

It was a nice day with temperatures in the 60s with a slight threat of rain as three volunteers met for the first of our work days on the Lightship Chesapeake in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. The harbor was crowded with tourists once the day got under way. We started off by scraping off the flaking …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore – Nov. 17, 2018

Heidi, Jeff and Donna Removing Paint from Range Light

The final work day for the season was a bright crisp November day. There were remnants of the first snow of the season in the shadowy corners of some buildings, but there was no threat of snow or rain on this last preservation weekend of 2018. We had seven volunteers show up for the annual …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore – Oct 27, 2018

Lightship Chesapeake in Baltimore's Inner Harbor

We had a small crew on a blustery cold late October Saturday. There are a lot of changes going on in the Harbor. Our favorite parking garage was sold by the city and the rates increased dramatically and our main restaurant of choice has closed. However, we have a new favorite parking garage that is …

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Workday: Historic Ships In Baltimore – June 2, 2018

Rob passes up wood from the lower - lower area to Lauren and Paula for removal.

We had a small crew of five on the Lightship Chesapeake in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor for our second workday there in 2018. It was no surprise that it was overcast and threatening rain all day – that seems to be the standard forecast for the last couple of weeks.  The threat of rain dissuaded us …

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Workday: Historic Ships In Baltimore – May 5, 2018

Lightship Chesapeake in Baltimore's Inner Habor

It was a warm overcast day with summer-like temperatures. We had a crew of seven chapter volunteers who went to work on the lightship Chesapeake in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. Our first task was to scrape a lot of the peeling paint form the ceilings in the forward exhibit area as well as the Ward room. …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore – November 18, 2017

Greg, Paula and Heidi work on range light.

It was a busy day on our last workday in Baltimore for 2017.  Nine Chapter volunteers gathered on the Lightship Chesapeake on a chilly Saturday in November and got to work on several different tasks. The ladders to the wheel house and fly bridge were removed and the bulkheads were cleaned and vacuumed. This was …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore – June 3, 2017

Lightship Chesapeake in Baltimore's Inner Habor

We had a crew of six for our early June workday up in Baltimore. We finished up the work on the main bins down in the lathe room. We also cleaned, scraped and primed the doors to the Drill Press and work room below deck. A fourth coat of white paint was applied to the display …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore – May 6, 2017

Greg tightening the screw holding the block.

For our second workday up in Baltimore we had a crew of six Chapter volunteers. It was an overcast day with intermittent showers. The weather held long enough for the work on the repairs to the door to the half deck to be completed. Later in the day the interior side was painted. Maybe next …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore – March 18, 2017

Lightship Chesapeake in Baltimore's Inner Harbor.

It was a small crew on our first workday of 2017. It started damp, overcast and a bit chilly. By the time we emerged for lunch there were blue skies and pleasant temperatures. We were finally able to catch up with Tony Pasek and present him with his 1000+ Hour Volunteer patch. Tony has worked …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore – October 29, 2016

Greg and Heidi inspect Paint Job.

We had seven volunteers on a day that started out a bit chilly but then warmed up nicely. We managed to work thru the task list and ended a little early, heading out about 3 o’clock to a nice sunny afternoon. There was a lot of painting going on this time. The temperature seemed just …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore – June 18, 2016

Tony painting a part of the signal light.

We had another small crew on the Lightship workday on Saturday June 18th. The official start of summer was still a few days away, but the heat had already arrived. It was a warm day with bright blue skies as three volunteers spent the day on the bright red floating lighthouse. Volunteers spent time painting …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore – March 19, 2016

Tony working in the Engine Room Fidley

  We had a small group of volunteers on this last weekend of winter 2016. While the groundhog may have predicted and early spring, nobody told the weather. It was on the chilly side with rain in the afternoon, and according to one tourist, a few snowflakes made an appearance. But we still managed to …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore November 21, 2015

Andy, Jeff, Lauren, Donna, Paula, Greg and James at the end of the day.

Our final workday of 2015 up in Baltimore was a bit on the cool side, but we had a good-sized crew of nine. The low temperature meant we would not be painting, but we still managed to check a lot of the boxes off the work list. Greg had managed to find a lock of …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore June 6, 2015

Hobie stencils life ring.

Our June workday on the lightship Chesapeake was a busy one. A dozen volunteers spread out to all the little nooks and crannies of the ship – and there are lots of those. We worked from the fly bridge to the lower deck workshops and from the wardroom to the fidley. There was an interesting …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore – March 28, 2015

Lightship Chesapeake in Baltimore's Inner Habor

Our first workday in Baltimore was not exactly spring-like. I had ordered some pleasant springtime weather but what was delivered was a chilly overcast day with intermittent snow showers. If you were coming to Baltimore from the north, I think it was a little more substantial at times. But the ship was a balmy 50 …

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Workday: Historic Ships In Baltimore – Nov 22, 2014

There was a large crew for the last workday up in Baltimore. It was a brisk day with highs in the 40s. The ship was very cold when we first arrived so one of Greg’s first tasks was to fix the electrical problem that was preventing the heat from working. It’s a good thing Greg …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore May 3, 2014

Tony chases the threads for electrical brackets in Fidley.

A small crew showed up for a volunteer day up in Baltimore. There was a lot going on in the inner harbor and there were a lot of people out for a beautiful spring Saturday. We even saw a small parade when we were leaving for the day. Most of the work was dedicated to …

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Workday: Historic Ships in Baltimore – March 22, 2014

Anne Puppa and Heidi Moser painting fidley

It was a very pleasant day as nine Chapter volunteers showed up as scheduled at the Chesapeake Lightship in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. There was no snow in sight and temperatures made it into the 60s, though we hear they are calling for some snow yet again next week. Volunteers tackled a number of different chores. …

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Workday: Historic Ships of Baltimore:November 16, 2013

We had six volunteers show up on Saturday November 16th for our last workday of the 2013 season on the Lightship Chesapeake. It was an overcast cloudy day as we boarded the lightship and began our work. We were treated to the spectacle of one of the tall ships leaving the harbor (one of the …

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Workday: Hooper Island Sept 10, 2013

Volunteers out at Hooper Island were able to install three portholes in the cellar after hiring a local fabricator to drill the holes. These have been particular difficult to work on given the state of the existing ones. It was hot and thankless work, but they persevered and now there are three functioning portholes in …

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Workday: Historic Ships of Baltimore August 24, 2013 Workday

Several Chapter volunteers showed up in Baltimore to work on the Lightship Chesapeake. Some volunteers worked on the damage control locker on the top deck. It was sanded and then primed and painted. It is now ready to install a display. Well, it’s almost ready to install a display! After scraping and chipping and priming …

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Workday: Historic Ships In Baltimore May 4, 2013

Six volunteers headed to the Chesapeake Lightship for another productive workday. Volunteers scraped the remaining walls in the engine room Fidley and applied a coat of primer in and around all the various pieces of equipment. We were able to complete a large proportion of the room. A screen was removed from the upper skylight …

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Workday:Historic Ships of Baltimore March 23, 2013

Our first workday in Baltimore for 2013 was on a brisk spring Saturday in March. Volunteers attacked many of the tasks on the work list provided by Greg Krawczyk. Some more repair work was done on the screen door of the Captains cabin. Several of the switches that will be installed were buffed and painted. …

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Workday: Historic Ships of Baltimore March 27, 2010

It was another busy day on the lightship as six volunteers arrived for work. We helped lighten the ship by replacing some of the burned out bulbs. The floor in the officers wardroom needed some repair work done and that kept Tony busy most of the day. Alma was busy checking some of the fuses. …

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Workday: Historic Ships of Baltimore June 04, 2011

In June of 2011 eight Chapter volunteers spent the day on the Lightship Chesapeake. Volunteers painted the railings going up to the ship and then worked on a lot of the electrical fixtures. Several were being cleaned up so they could be  put back once new wiring was installed. Drew and Lynne Shettle paint the …

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Workday: Historic Ships of Baltimore March 26, 2011

In March of 2011 Eleven Chapter volunteers spent the day in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor working on one of the few remaining lightships around. Volunteers cleared out the old radio room, some electrical cable was pulled and replaced, some of the stairs were worked on, and a little brass was polished.     Photos courtesy of …

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Workday: Historic Ships of Baltimore November 19, 2011

Volunteers helped scrape and paint an old binnacle in preparation for creating a donation box. While some volunteers worked on the binnacle, others pulled some of the old electrical cable. Some new cable was inserted. Some of the light bulbs in the engine room were replaced.

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