Keepers Mascot: Shadow

Mascot # 57 is Shadow, a yellow lab who drifted into Caroline’s heart and home about four years ago. Caroline tells us: Shadow was rescued from the SPCA, although she actually rescued me because she is my true companion. Her name is fitting because she is always close to me just like my shadow. Unfortunately, Shadow has a breathing problem called interstitial lung disease. No one knows her history, but she gets very winded with any kind of exertion. Throughout the years she has been treated with acupuncture, laser treatments and herbal supplements. She continues to receive laser treatments every other week and takes two different kinds of herbs. Shadow keeps going at her own pace and in spite of the fact she has to limit her activity Shadow really enjoys playing with her squeaky toys. I am sure Shadow would also be a lighthouse lover if she ever had the opportunity to experience their beauty. So, the next time you see your shadow, you can remember my Shadow, my best friend!

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