Lil’ Bit
Mascot #112 is Lil’ Bit, who lives with mascot #111, Jingle Belle, as well as humans Jennifer and Cyndi. This is her story:
My name is Lil’Bit and I’m going on 18 years old. My original owner was an elderly woman who decided that I was just too much for her to handle. She took me to the ASPCA in Clearwater, Florida in 2003 when I was approximately one year old. That’s when my new mommies adopted me. Little did they know that I had bad potty habits, as I hated the litter box. I did find a tub in the spare bathroom that was very big and luxurious for my purposes! Much to my surprise, they caught on to me. One day I went to the tub as usual and jumped in only to find it full of water!! I meowed so loud and jumped out as quickly as I could!! It was a traumatic experience for me, so now I love my litter box. I also love high places and like to play hide and seek. One day I climbed to the top of the cabinets in the kitchen and heard mommies calling for me. When they came into the kitchen and looked up—I just stared down at them. I also love playing with yarn, my ball and love my catnip—it makes me a little frisky. Now that I’m older I sleep more but I still get crazy sometimes and run around in the middle of the night. I’m addicted to dehydrated chicken treats for dogs. I sit in the kitchen for hours just waiting for my treats. Meow!