Kassie Conway Mascot #118
Mascot # 118, Kassie Conway, lives with John Conway. He provided this bio:
Kassie is an 11-year-old female, fawn boxer. They are often referred to as brindle boxers. They have a pale tan coat with white markings and a black muzzle. Kassie was born and still resides with me, in Northern Virginia. While boxers are often fierce guard dogs, they are one of the breeds most often recommended as good and gentle to be with small children. In that respect, Kassie is a true boxer! Kassie’s best friend is a one-year-old Siberian huskie named Nikita with whom she takes regular walks on the weekend. A favorite past-time is to lounge on the couch, of which she occupies most of it. As you can tell by the pose in the picture, Kassie lives the life of a little princess in her castle.