Category: Sharps Island

Keeper Bio: Valliant, Harriet

Date of Service: 1851 – 1856 1794:  Harriet Smith is born in 1794. 1812:  Jeremiah Valliant marries Harriet Smith on October 27, in Dorchester, MD. 1851:  Jeremiah Valliant (husband of Harriet Valliant) dies at the age of 69 while serving as Principal Keeper at Sharps Island Lighthouse, MD. He is buried at Spring Hill Cemetery, …

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Keeper Bio: Valliant, Jeremiah


Date of Service: 1841-1843, 1849-1851 1782:  Jeremiah Valliant is born on March 6th in Talbot County, MD. 1812:  Jeremiah Valliant marries Harriet Smith on October 27, in Dorchester, MD. 1841-1843:  Jeremiah Valliant is appointed Principal Keeper at Sharps Island Lighthouse, MD. His salary is $350/year. 1849-1851:  Jeremiah Valliant is appointed Principal Keeper at Sharps Island …

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Keeper Bio: Bounds, Otho

Date of Service: 1892-1939 1867:  Born on September 27, 1867 in Allen (Wicomico County) Maryland. 1889:  Marries Esther E. Hopkins. The couple raises eight children. 1892:  Serves as First Assistant Keeper at Craighill Lower Front Range Lighthouse (MD). Annual salary – $435. 1892-1893:  Serves as Keeper at Lower Cedar Point Lighthouse (MD). Annual salary – …

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Keeper Bio: Austin, Julian Haywood

Date of Service: 1921 – 1948 1898:   Born on February 20 to John Lotson Austin & Markey Poyner Austin, in Frisco, NC 1916-1917:   Joins the U.S. Lighthouse Service and was stationed on three lightships, including LV71. 1918-1921:   Worked on multiple “oilers” for the U.S. Army. 1921:   Returned to the U.S. Lighthouse …

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Timeline: Sharps Island Lighthouse

(The leaning light of the Chesapeake Bay) 1838 First lighthouse, a wooden tower, built on the island (900 acres). 1848 Lighthouse moved inland due to erosion (now – 450 acres). 1855 Lighthouse refitted with 5th order Fresnel lens. 1865/66 Second light, a screwpile, built on shoal. 1881 Screwpile destroyed by ice. Structure w/ keepers aboard …

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Sharps Island Lighthouse *

The Sharps Island lighthouse is a cast-iron caisson filled with concrete with a brick-lined cast iron tower built on top. The tower is 37 feet tall which sets the light 54 feet above the mean water level. This structure was constructed in 1881-2 and first lit on February 1, 1882. This is the third light …

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