Keepers Mascot: Puck

We spotlight mascot # 48 – Puck, who lives with Karl, Cory, Claudia, and Val. According to Claudia, Puck is a 10-year-old white and orange flame-tipped Siamese-tabby mix. His hobbies include sun basking, sleeping and playing with the dog. He loves to drink from the faucet. Puck would be good on a lighthouse because he would stay calm on the lighthouse and is not afraid of water. He was named Puck because he first met the Talbotts at the Gallatin Valley Ice Garden in Bozeman, Montana in 2005. The ice garden was where the local ice hockey games were played. Puck is the middle pet of the family. He still has his baby meow. Puck is a friendly, happy-go-lucky cat and he will always be the first cat to say “hi.”

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