Craighill Channel Upper Range Front (Cut-off Channel) Lighthouse Timeline (Located within 350 feet off North Point; 1.3 miles southeast of the Upper Rear light, on the north side of the mouth of Patapsco River, near Fort Howard, just off Veterans Administration property – 07/21/14)
1886 22 foot tall, two story octagonal brick tower built on the 30 foot square stone masonry foundation of the 1822 North Point Rear Range Light. Painted with two red and one white horizontal bands. Keepers’ quarters built on shore connected
to tower by 350-foot long wood and stone bridge. Fitted with locomotive headlight with white light. Work on rear light begins simultaneously.
1888 Boundary dispute causes government to re-locate gates to keeper’s house.
1890 Extensive work done on quarters. Interior painted, roof repairs made, picket
fencing and brick walkways added.
1893 Storm washes away bridge; keepers quarters abandoned. Keeper moves into the remodeled 12 foot square lighthouse and uses skiff to reach shore. Locomotive light moved to outside of tower to provide more living space for keeper. Boat landing and davits added.
1894 Oil house constructed.
1902 New summer kitchen added. Minor repairs made.
1914 Acetylene light installed. Characteristic changed to flashing white. Automation. Keeper Frederick Burmeister becomes custodian of the light – annual salary – $1.00.
1929 Station electrified with current from Fort Howard through 650-foot long submarine cable.Light changed to fixed red.
Locomotive light replaced with DCB-24. Exhibits fixed red light. Active aid to navigation.
Sources: Lighthouse Friends web site –, Bay Beacons by Linda Turbyville and Lighting the Bay – Tales of Chesapeake Lighthouses by Pat Vojtech