Timeline: Bodkin Point Lighthouse

1819:   Congress appropriates $9,000 on March 3 to construct a lighthouse at Bodkin Point and two on North Point at the mouth of the Patapsco River, Maryland.

1820:   Six acres of land are purchased in August from Richard Caton for $600.

1821:   The contract to construct the lighthouse is awarded to Thomas Evans and William Coppeck. Construction of the 35-foot tower and one-story stone keeper’s dwelling begins in June and is completed by October.

1822:   Thirteen lamps are received from Winslow Lewis and the light is first displayed in January.

1850:   The station is listed as in good shape and is whitewashed.

1851:   The station is listed as in bad order – lamps, burners and reflectors are full of carbonized wick and dirty oil.

1851:   Congress appropriates $17,000 to construct a lighthouse on Bodkin Shoal (Seven Foot Knoll Lighthouse), which will replace the current lighthouse on Bodkin Point.

1856:   Bodkin Point Lighthouse is decommissioned after Seven Foot Knoll Lighthouse is commissioned.

1914:   The tower collapsed.


  1. Annual Report of the Lighthouse Board, various years.
  2. Lighthouse Friends website, accessed March 2020

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