Photo by Betty Collins

Photo by Alma Pasek

Photo by Alma Pasek

Photo by Alma Pasek

Photo by Alma Pasek

Photo by Alma Pasek

Photo by Betty Collins

Photo by Betty Collins

Photo by Alma Pasek

Photo by Alma Pasek

Photo by Betty Collins

Photo by Betty Collins

Photo by Alma Pasek

Photo by Alma Pasek

Photo by Alma Pasek
On a crystal-clear early October day, the Chapter honored seven well-deserving Chesapeake Bay lighthouse keepers who served at 14 different Virginia stations, three in Maryland, and two Coast Guard tenders. The weather on October 3 in Mathews County was “picture-postcard-perfect”. With a color guard from Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 66 and three Coast Guardsmen from Station Milford Haven, we paid tribute to – Keepers Walter M. Shawn, Henry Luther Dow, James Garnett Williams, William Thomas Brooks, Robert Harold Matthews, Andrew Broaddus Sadler and Charles Franklin Sadler. Event coordinator Betty Collins opened and closed each ceremony with an assist from MC Tony Pasek that included the “Pledge of Allegiance”, a review of the Keeper’s life, his lighthouse duty with the USLHS and USCG, a Lighthouse Keeper’s Prayer, remarks by the descendants and the playing of “Taps”. Special thanks to Betty, her husband Ron, Hobie and Winnie Statzer, Chapter Historian Jennifer Jones, Marie Vincent of the USLHS, Paula and Lauren Liebrecht, MC Tony and his better half, Alma for an event well-done and one that will be long remembered. There were over 200 in attendance for the entire day. Also, thanks to Tom Edwards and his steadfast crew from Flotilla 66 and the young “Coasties” from Station Milford Haven. All were in uniforms and participated in all the events. Look for a complete write up in the Winter 2021 Chesapeake Lights.

Click Here to download the itinerary, written directions, and Mathews County attractions.
Any questions, email Keeper Grave Dedication Ceremony programs@cheslights.org