Mascot # 117, Montauk, lives with Lauren and Paula. They provided this bio:
People who know us well know that we are lighthouse and hamster people. In June 2018 our beloved hamster, Fenwick, “Crossed the Bar”. About a week later, we knew it was time to get another hamster because they bring us so much joy. So, we went with our great-niece, Deena Marie, to find a hamster. At the third pet store, we found one. He caught our attention and we knew that we needed to adopt him (or should we say he adopted us). After talking with our friend Marie Vincent, we named him Montauk after the lighthouse we visited in New York. Montauk is a cute, little, brown-haired hamster who loves to run around his house and run on the wheel inside it. However, he usually goes on his wheel at night which leads to some noisy evenings. The noise does not bother us, as we know that he is a “Happy Hamster” when he goes on his wheel. Montauk loves to eat sunflower and pumpkin seeds, along with the standard hamster food and honey treats we get him. We always enjoy playing with Montauk and rubbing his little head. He often falls asleep after we rub his head. Montauk is a lucky hamster as he has a godfather, aunts, and uncles (you all know who you are) that spoil him. He often receives more mail or gifts then we do. Among his toys, are a car he can “drive” around in with hamster power (1hp) and a school bus that he can play on and inside. He also has a hat and scarf that he can wear. Montauk is definitely loved by many people. He gives us so much joy and happiness.