Category: Deep Water Shoals

Keeper Bio: Powell, Robert Franklin


Date of Service: 1907-1921 1870:  Born on December 10, in Mathews County, VA to parents Thomas & Mary Powell. 1897:  Marries Maria Jane Winder on April 28 in Mathews County, VA.  The couple has four children – Carl, Nellie, Audrey and Lizzie. 1907:   The Mathews Journal reports that “Mr. R. F. Powell of Cricket …

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Keeper Bio: Hurst, James Beauregard

Date of Service: 1888-1919 1862:  Born July 24 in Mathews County, VA to parents John P. & Margaret E.  (Thurston) Hurst. 1886:  Marries Narcissus Phillips Hudgins on February 22 in Mathews County, VA.  The couple raises two daughter, Pearl Lorraine and Gladys Leone, and one son, Warner Arnold.     1888-1891:  Serves as First Assistant Keeper at …

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Keeper Bio: Morse, Santa A.

Date of Service: 1873-1885 1852: Born in Virginia. 1873-1874: Served as Assistant Keeper at Deep Water Shoals Lighthouse, VA. His salary was $420/year. 1874-1885: Served as Principal Keeper at Deep Water Shoals Lighthouse, VA. His annual salary was $540/year. 1880:  In the US Census, Santa A. Morse (28) lives in York County, VA., with his …

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Keeper Bio: Hunt, Thomas

Date of Service: 1873-1885 1844: Born in Virginia. 1873: Served as Second Assistant at York Spit Shoal Lighthouse, VA. His annual salary was $400/year. 1874-1876: Served as Assistant Keeper at Deep Water Shoals Lighthouse, VA. His annual salary was $420/year. 1876-1882: Served as Assistant Keeper at Point of Shoals Lighthouse, VA. His annual salary was …

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Keeper Bio: Wingate, Henry Clay

Date of Service: 1902 – 1927   1862:  Born May 19 to parents Thomas and Mary Wingate in Dorchester County, MD. 1880: Occupation is listed as Sailor in the U.S. Census 1889:  Henry is discharged from the Army on November 16 (Spanish American War) 1890: Marries Nettie J. Dodge. 1900: Occupation is listed as day …

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Keeper Bio: Matthews, Robert Harold “Hallie”


Date of Service: 1918 – 1941   1873: Born on October 14 in Mathews County, VA. Marries Edna Earle Brooks.  The couple raises one child – Mary Elizabeth. 1918- 1920:  Serves as First Assistant Keeper at Deep Water Shoals Lighthouse (VA). Starting annual salary – $480; ending – $720. 1918: On August 7, First Assistant …

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Keeper Bio: Respess, Charles Edwin

Date of Service: 1888 – 1915 1862: Born on July 24 – Barn Creek, Gwynn’s Island, VA.1888 – 1890: Assistant on Cape Charles Light Vessel #46. 1891 – 1893: Captain of newly christened Cape Charles LV #49.1892: Married Annie “Lovie” Grimstead on July 13.1893 – 1894: Service at Cherrystone Bar as Assistant ($435/year) and Old …

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Timeline: Deep Water Shoal Lighthouse

1837: A request is made by Beverly Kennon, Captain of the United States Navy, to construct a lighthouse at three locations along the James River in Virginia; Day’s Point, Point of Shoals and Deep Water & Lyon’s Creek Shoals. 1850: The U. S. Lighthouse Board authorizes $3,500 for preliminary work in the engineering & design …

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Deep Water Shoals Lighthouse

The first Deep Water Shoal Lighthouse was built in 1855 on the James River northeast of Fort Eustis on the shoal on the right side of the channel, above Mulberry Island Point and below Lyon’s Creek. The light was first exhibited on February 6, 1855. It was a small, twenty-foot square, four-room white dwelling with …

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