Even with the curtailed tours and preservation events Thomas Point Lighthouse has been getting some TLC this season. As John Potvin, Lighthouse Manager and Director of Preservation for the Thomas Point restoration efforts reports, work resumed in May to replace the steel beams and tie rods for the under-structure. This work was done by contractor Marine Solutions Inc. They also rebuilt the landing dock, eliminating the aluminum bridge, replaced the ladder leading up to the lower deck and also replaced the steel platform under the hatch. The entire metal under-structure was also given a protective coat of paint. The privy was also re-installed (it was temporarily removed to replace a rotted wooden beam under it.) and it was given a new roof.

Sea Scouts head home after a day at Thomas Point.
L-R Tina C, Jalyn HM, Kaitlyn K, James M, Ian O (back), Izzy F (front),Quinn S, Pat O
While the pandemic has forced us to cancel Thomas Point tours and most preservation activities for 2020 a special group of Sea Scouts, following safety guidelines, climbed that new ladder on August 21st to help paint the railings and pickets on the first deck. The scouts were taken out by Howard Lewis on the Audacious and reportedly had a great time working on the lighthouse. It looks like the weather cooperated.
Another group of preservationists went out on August 22 and performed some additional painting, including completion of three exterior sides of the lighthouse, installation of shoe molding on the second floor and applied the initial coats of roof paint on the recently re-installed privy.
The lighthouse is looking pretty good now with newly painted under-structure and the exterior of the cottage getting a fresh coat of paint. If you want to inspect the work, you can sign up for tours next year on the U.S. Lighthouse Society Web Site.