Thomas Point Lighthouse Now Ready for Visitors!
Things continue to shape up at Thomas Point. Volunteers put some finishing touches on the floors in the sitting room and kitchen. The sitting room floor work was finished and 2 coats of varnish were put on the remaining section of kitchen floor where the Coast Guard batteries had been. If you remember they were removed a while back so we’ve reclaimed that space. Both the sitting room and the kitchen are looking very nice indeed. The baseboards were put up in the sitting room giving it a very finished, homey look. The furniture was moved into place for all three first floor rooms that have been set up for display. The wall displays were put in place and the rooms were tidied for the first tours of summer.
More work was done on the equipment room display cabinet. This will be where visitors will be able to see the way the walls looked while the Coast Guard used the room for equipment storage. Volunteers also started installing the new paneling on the equipment room walls.
Since no day is complete without a little painting the volunteers also painted the stairwell. They sanded, replaced and varnished the stairwell railing. The lantern post, which was scraped last time, was also given a coat of paint this time.
Finally the wood in the closets was sorted to make room for shelving. The closets were neatened and shelves were secured. The shelves were then put to use as the light was tidied and made ready for visitors. The rotted wood replaced in previous workdays was removed from the light.
To book your tour of the light visit the web site, select Fun and then look under the Lighthouse Cruises – or better yet, become a Chesapeake Chapter member and volunteer. That way you can go out for free. You’ll have to do a little work – but it is a lot of fun!
Cathy Lewis
Howard Lewis
Tony Pasek
Hobie Statzer
Claudia Talbott
Cory Talbott
Karl Talbott
Val Talbott
Special Assistants Brett and Cassidy