It was a very productive workday at Thomas Point when seven volunteers showed up on a warm and breezy July Saturday. In what seems to be a rare meteorological event this year the rain held off until the work was done.
A second coat of primer was applied to the handles of the steel/iron ladder that Capt. Howard built last year. Some of the deck boards that had been repaired earlier this year, were given a second coat of red paint. The wooden railing on the assembly deck (where visitors meet and sit on benches) was painted. One exterior siding board near outhouse was replaced with a new piece. The ends were filled in with round foam insulation, caulked and then painted. Two white main level deck boards were painted grey. The outer edge exterior perimeter deck board (under railing & pickets) received a coat of grey deck paint. (Does anyone sense a theme here?) Three exterior sides of the lighthouse, from the overhang down to the baseboard received a coat of white paint. One of the other sides was painted earlier this year. If you feel left out do not despair – there are still two sides that remain to be painted. A section of the kitchen pantry was painted until paint ran out. (Not surprising given the amount of painting going on here!) Three shelves in corner of equipment room received a coat of white primer on top. It seems if it didn’t move, they painted it! It was a fun and productive workday.
Abby Colangelo
Carolyn Dodson
Al Pearson
Joan Spiece
Bob Stevenson
Cory Talbott
Tony Pasek
Captain Howard (transport)
[This workday was bought to you by the letter “P” for ….. paint.]

Photo by Tony Pasek
Crew heads home after a productive day.
L to R – Captain Howard, Al Pearson, Joan Spiece, Abby Colangelo, Carolyn Dodson, Bob Stevenson.
Front & center – Cory Talbott.

Photo by Tony Pasek
You need to be agile to work on a lighthouse. Cory’s arm reaching thru to paint exterior deck boards.