Photo by Tony Pasek
Concord Point – looking good!
On May 14, Hobie Statzer and Tony Pasek visited Havre de Grace and gave the Friends of Concord Point Lighthouse a hand with a brick pathway leading to the tower. The weather was fairly good for this type of work with temperatures in the 60 and overcast. They leveled approximately 20 bricks that had settled below the adjacent concrete sidewalk and this had created an uneven walkway where the brick and concrete met. Hobie and Tony have helped install many of the memorial bricks on the walkways around the light over the past several years.
While they were they they also inspected the exterior lantern room of the lighthouse to determine the source(s) of an interior water leak that has been plaguing the small tower. This is a common issue in many towers and Concord Point, built in 1827 by John Donahoo is looking pretty good considering the years. Hobie and Tony expect to return at a later date with caulk/sealant and plan to scrape the lantern wooden siding and repaint and hopefully this will resolve the water leak issue.

Photo by Tony Pasek
Finishing the job

Photo by Tony Pasek
Leveling the bricks that had settled below walk.
Tony Pasek
Hobie Statzer