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Our members receive a quarterly newsletter, CHESAPEAKE LIGHTS via email.   Our newsletter includes reports of past and future meetings, articles on area lights, member activities, and other items of interest to lighthouse enthusiasts.

We welcome information regarding lighthouse events in your area.

2021 Spring Issue page 1


The Chesapeake Channel Marker is published periodically as material is available.
A channel marker is a device showing a navigable passage. That is what this publication endeavors to be — a device that provides one passageway for Chapter members to gain information that enhances their knowledge about and enjoyment of lighthouses and all lighthouse experiences.

2021 Spring Channel Marker


If you would like to contribute to this publication or the Newsletter, contact the Publication Committee Chair via email at:



The Quarterly Newsletter is an exclusive benefit for our Chapter members.  Non-members follow the link at right to join  ———>


eNews Blast

The eNews provides general Chapter information via email about lighthouse events in our area, as well as upcoming preservation dates and trips updates.  Please feel free to subscribe to this email list by submitting this form. 

We currently do NOT have a volunteer who knows the Mail Poet programs, which is used to send these out.

To subscribe to receive eNews Blasts, submit this form. – ON HOLD WHILE WE TRY TO LOCATE A  VOLUNTEER WHO CAN MANAGE THE MAIL POET PROGRAM.

Some emails are returned every month because email providers consider the eNews “spam”. Something you can do to ensure your monthly eNews doesn’t get “canned” is to add to your email “safe list”.  Remember to notify us of any change in your email address so you don’t miss out on an important update.


Non Chapter members: Join today! Go to our membership page and sign up using PayPal and enjoy the benefits of being a Chapter member.

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