Family & Friends of Keeper George M. Wible after the ceremony – Photo by Greg Krawczyk
The Chesapeake Bay was home to a large number of lighthouses. Each one was maintained by a dedicated group of public servants, Lighthouse Keepers. One of these public servants, Keeper George M. Wible, was honored on Saturday May 14th in Crisfield, MD.
The chapter installed the first U. S. Lighthouse Service marker of 2022 at the grave of George M. Wible, at the request of the Wible family. The marker was installed in the morning, then the Keeper was honored at a grave-side ceremony just after noon with chapter volunteer Greg Krawczyk serving as the Master of Ceremony. Despite the heavy rain. the service of Keeper Wible was reviewed, a flag installed on the marker, taps played and some photos quickly taken.
George Wible was born in 1885 in Accomack County, VA. In 1914 he started his lighthouse service at the Point No Point lighthouse, offshore in St Mary’s County, as the 1st Assistant Keeper until 1917. That year he transferred to the Tangier Sound Light just off the southern tip of Tangier Island. Keeper Wible died in 1925 while he was still serving there as the Head Keeper. An interesting side note, Lighthouse Keeper Thomas Steinhise is a distant relative and it was Keeper George Wible who talked Thomas into trying out duty with the Lighthouse Service. Keeper Steinhise served at four lighthouses from 1918 to 1941, starting at the Tangier Sound Lighthouse. He earned the Silver Lifesaving Medal in 1933 while at the Seven Foot Knoll LH. Keeper Steinhise was the very first Keeper that the chapter honored with a grave marker in 2016.
Keeper Wible is the seventh Lighthouse Keeper buried in Crisfield to be honored as part of the chapters Lighthouse Keeper Grave Marker program. These markers are provided and installed at no cost to the families. A completed application is required and their service must be confirmed.
To learn more about this program, how to apply to have a Lighthouse Keeper or Lightship Sailor descendant honored, or just read about the 34 other Lighthouse Keepers the chapter has honored to date, go to the Chapters web page: www.cheslights.org/programs /program-lighthouse-keeper-grave-marker.
Any questions, email our Lighthouse Keeper Grave Marker manager at: programs@cheslights.org