The ceremony was held at noon on May 8th 2021 for Keeper Charles C. Tyler who is buried in Asbury Ceremony in Crisfield. Starting in 1905 he served at five different lights, Thimble Shoal, Great Shoals, Janes Island, Watts Island and Holland Island Bar, some more than once as both an Assistant Keeper then later as Head Keeper. In 1915 Keeper Tyler was awarded the Efficiency Gold Star by the Lighthouse Service while service as Head Keeper of the Great Shoals Lighthouse. In attendance were a number of family members who were there for the USLHS marker dedication and to see the new cross-shaped name plate to identify his previously unmarked grave.
Asbury Cemetery is the same burial location for Keeper Henry Sterling who had a Lighthouse Service Grave Marker installed at his grave in November 2020. Keeper Tyler is the second Lighthouse Keeper honored at Asbury Cemetery, but he will not be the last as we just received an application for another keeper buried there who will have a grave marker installed in 2022.
Any questions, email Keeper Grave Dedication Ceremony programs@cheslights.org