Mascot 126 is Moana Elliott. Owner Jim provided this info:
Moana is a Snowshoe cat, and, like her ancestors the Siamese, is a
pointed cat, meaning she is short-haired with light-colored areas in seal or blue, four white feet and blue eyes. Moana came into our lives in September of 2017 when someone left her secured in a cardboard box on the front porch of our local veterinarian. It is surmised that she may have been owned by a military family going overseas and were unable to take Moana with them and left her at the vets in hopes of her being adopted. Very little was known about her other than that she was born in Hawaii (hence the name) and was around 10 or 11 years of age. The veterinarian fostered Moana until Diane and I
arrived to hand over a stray cat we found in our yard. During a routine examination, it was revealed that the stray had a ‘chip’ embedded and its owner lived no more than 10 miles away. The stray was reunited with his rightful owner. So, the doctor asked if we wouldn’t mind taking a look at Moana. One look and a bunch
of leg-rubs later, Moana was in the cat carrier headed for her new “furever” home. She was quick to locate several elevated areas around the house to perch on in order to keep an eye on all the birds and critters that roam the property. Mo, as she is now known around the house, has picked Diane as her primary
person, while I run a distant second, though still maintaining my Chief-of-Staff position. She is very smart, can come off as bossy at times (like dinner time!), but is always affectionate and in need of a best friend. While in foster care at the vets, she took a liking to Sheba Pâté soft cat food and attempts to get her to add
some variety to her meals have failed miserably. Talk about being highly selective, she doesn’t even like cat treats in any shape, taste, or form. Being an indoor cat, Mo doesn’t get a chance to exercise her feline prowess as a hunter all that often, though, at times an errant newt or small lizard will get into the house and she’s all over it…to a point. Somewhere along the line she developed this catch-and-release program and the offenders get to live and fight another day. Mo has brought a lot of joy into our household
and hopefully it will continue for years to come.