Mascot 127 is George Leikam. Owner Mary provided this info:
George Leikam is a golden, shih tzu with an intense personality that came to me through a road trip from the East. George is 7 years old now and is perpetual motion. He chases balls, chews water bottles and is constantly wanting more playtime. His namesake watched those waves crash against the shoreline for 20 years and like him George is always on guard watching
anything that moves. George is restless like the waters off the Chesapeake Bay and is constantly sculpting his environment to fit his needs. George has a set schedule just as his great, great grandfather did. He wakes up with the sun, lets everyone know when he wants to go to bed and, just like the sea, he calms down in the soft glow of the evening. The sea can be a raging roaring never ending event, like George, with all his energy and love to give and he truly is a perfect representation of Chesapeake lighthouses and it is an honor to have him included as a mascot