Keeper Bio: Tyler, Charles C.


Date of Service: 1905 – 1919

1859:  Born April 13 to parents Thomas and Maria Tyler in Somerset, MD.

1880:  Occupation is listed as Seaman in the U.S. Census

1900:  Occupation is listed as Oysterman in the U.S. Census

19051906: Serves as Second Assistant at Thimble Shoal Lighthouse, VA, with an annual salary of $440.

1906-1907:  Serves as First Assistant at Great Shoals Lighthouse, MD, with an annual salary of $560.

1907:  Serves as First Assistant at Janes Island Lighthouse, MD, with an annual salary of $435.

1907-1912:  Serves as First Assistant at Watts Island Lighthouse, VA, with a beginning salary of $420 and ending salary of $480 per year.

1912-1917: Serves as Principal Keeper at Great Shoals Lighthouse, MD, with an annual salary of $600.

1914:  Keeper Tyler and his assistant Gary Powell, aid a disabled gasoline launch on March 9.

1915:  Keeper Tyler is awarded the Efficiency Gold Star, an award that was awarded to top rated keepers.

1916:  On October 30, Keeper Tyler aids a disabled boat, as well as providing food and shelter to the people on the boat. Keeper Tyler is awarded the Efficiency Gold Star.

1917-1919: Serves as Principal Keeper at Holland Island Bar Lighthouse, MD, with an annual salary of $960.

1921:   Serves as Principal Keeper at Great Shoals Lighthouse, MD, with an annual salary of $960.

1924:  Died July 15 at age 65 after a yearlong illness. He is buried at Asbury Cemetery, Crisfield, MD.

 Sources: Chesapeake Chapter Keeper database; Annual Report of the Lighthouse Board, various years, The Baltimore Sun, August 13, 1916, Lighthouse Friends website


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