On Thursday March 28th the Chapter lost a great friend and one of its founding members. Jerry Waters passed away after a brief hospitalization. Jerry was one of our earliest Chapter members and was a key member of the Chapter Board, serving as the Treasurer for many years. He was involved in many of the preservation activities, providing his carpentry skills to help us with some of our more challenging projects. He was also on the first Challenge committee, helping to craft an event that has endured for many years. He and his wife Marie loved to visit lighthouses and were frequent participants in lighthouse trips. Marie told me they had visited 26 states and 4 provinces in their lighthouse journeys. Jerry was the most recent recipient of the Chapter’s highest volunteer honor – the Platinum patch for all his service to the Chapter. When he and Marie moved out west they found a place near the U.S. Lighthouse Society’s headquarters. The love of lighthouses was in his blood. He had a quiet demeanor, but if you were lucky enough to get to know him you found he had a quick wit and had a vast amount of knowledge. Jerry will be missed by many.

L-R: Jeff Gales, Jerry Waters, Marie Vincent, Anne Puppa