Photos by: Steve Ormsby, President of the Watermen’s Museum York County Sign Shop Lead Daniel Howard featured in two of the photos
2021 Outdoor Lighthouse Historical Displays Installed
by Programs Chair Greg Krawczyk
The Lighthouse Historical Display program has a board-approved annual budget for both its indoor displays and outdoor displays. During the third week in November, the 2021 outdoor displays were installed in Yorktown VA. Normally our budget supports the purchase of two outdoor displays from Pannier Graphics. This year we were able to partner with the Watermen’s Museum in Yorktown to purchase and install four outdoor displays, one each for the four York River Lighthouses: York Spit, Tue Marshes, Pages Rock and Bells Rock. Although none of the four original cottage-style lighthouses on the York River remain, the metal support structures of the York Spit, Bells Rock and Pages Rock lighthouses are still in place.
The four lighthouse displays were installed at no charge by the York County Sign Shop along the waterfront walkway by the Watermen’s Museum. York County estimates that about 350 to 400 thousand “people transits” occur yearly on the picturesque mile-long Riverwalk Landing walkway, which is open to the public. We believe that these informative displays will educate both the local public and visitors about the extensive lighthouse history of the York River.
We appreciate the support of the professionals at Pannier Graphics for helping us get to the finish line on this set of displays. These four outdoor displays now double, to eight total since 2019, the number of them that we have placed. Our thanks to the leadership of the Watermen’s Museum for working with us on this set of displays and to the members of our Programs Committee for their efforts. For more information on the Watermen’s Museum, visit their web site: watermens.org. As always, it is the support of our Chapter members who make the Lighthouse Historical Display Program possible. To see a list of all the Indoor and Outdoor Lighthouse Historical Displays placed by location, go to the chapter web site, chesights.org and under the “Programs” header, select the Lighthouse Historical Display choice.