Chapter members Hobie Statzer and Tony Pasek went up to Concord Point on May 2nd to help the folks at Concord Point Lighthouse with a few tasks that needed to be done. They installed approximately 55 memorial bricks in the Legacy pathway on one side of the lighthouse tower. Tony and Hobie worked with three volunteers from the Friends of Concord Point group – Floyd Dobson, Bethany Baker and Jessica Lapota.
When they finished this primary task a little early (and wanting to avoid the rush hour traffic around Baltimore and Washington) they decided to tackled a few other projects on the Friends’ list before heading home. They sanded and scraped the historic “potato” cannon that sits in front of the tower facing the water and guards Havre de Grace. Then they painted it with quick-drying black Rust-O-Leum”.
Last but not least they scraped, lightly sanded and cleaned four posts attached to two signs for the Light and the Keepers’ house. Then, applied a coat of white paint to all four posts giving them that nice newly painted look!
Chapter Volunteers:
Tony Pasek
Hobie Statzer